A Commonplace Book

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Saving the Internet -- and all the commons it makes possible (Searls)


A rule in technology is that what can be done will be done--until we find out what shouldn't be done.
-- Doc Searls. Saving the Internet -- and all the commons it makes possible. Doc Searls Weblog (February 10, 2020).

But in a world flooded with information and opinion--a world where everyone can be a reporter, a publisher, a producer, a broadcaster, where the "news cycle" has the lifespan of a joke, and where news and gossip have become almost indistinguishable while being routed algorithmically to amplify prejudice and homophily, journalism has become an anachronism: still important, but all but drowning in a flood of biased "content" paid for by surveillance-led adtech.
-- Doc Searls. Saving the Internet -- and all the commons it makes possible. Doc Searls Weblog (February 10, 2020).

[T]he Internet became the world-wide way to communicate because it didn't start with billing... And it succeeded, producing instant worldwide peace among otherwise competing providers of networks and services.... [E]very one of the nine enclosures [restrictions on internet activity and access] are enabled by programmers who either forgot or never learned about the freedom and openness that made the free and open Internet possible.
-- Doc Searls. Saving the Internet -- and all the commons it makes possible. Doc Searls Weblog (February 10, 2020).

[W]hat we do with each other when we talk or teach is not delivering a commodity called information as if we were forwarding freight.... Consider the word information. It's a noun derived from the verb to inform, which in turn is derived from the verb to form. When you tell me something I don't know, you don't just deliver a sum of information to me. You form me.... In that sense, the word authority belongs to the right we give others to author us: to form us.
-- Doc Searls. Saving the Internet -- and all the commons it makes possible. Doc Searls Weblog (February 10, 2020).